After visiting with good friends here in Fuengirola, we decided to take a very spontaneous trip to Scotland, which was absolutely wonderful. Neither Aaron nor I had been there, and it was on both of our lists of places we wanted to visit in the world. Also, Aaron's tourist visa was running out, so our visit to the U.K. gave him some more time to prepare for his next journey :)

Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow
Our first stop was Glasgow, which is an amazing city which, as the flight attendant excitedly told us, is famous for its shopping. Given the atrocious exchange rate between the pound and the dollar, we weren't exactly planning on doing much shopping. Furthermore, because we arrived on Christmas Eve, we quickly realized that everyone in Glasgow (and perhaps all of Scotland) shuts down from Christmas Eve until after "boxing day", which is what they call the day after Christmas Day. So, as you can imagine, we spent our few days in Glasgow roaming the deserted streets....the city all to ourselves, hehe (although it was quite difficult to find places to eat, but we managed just fine). We found the Scottish people to be extremely friendly and cheery. Our favorite was the front desk clerk at our hotel who spoke to us very kindly and was very friendly. There was only one problem: as soon as he opened his mouth, Aaron and I could not understand a word he said. We looked at each other with that panicky look that says "do you understand what he is saying?". After a while, we definitely got the gist, but it's true that some Scottish people are very hard to understand for us Americans...although it is quite pleasant to listen to, heh.
A glimpse of Edinburgh lit up for Christmas
We were pleased to spend some time in Glasgow but our arrival in Edinburgh was our real Christmas present. If you can imagine what a real fairytale city looks like: that's Edinburgh. Not to mention it was Christmas time, so there were special events and Christmas markets all over the city. One of the most enchanting things about Edinburgh is the history, which seems to be frozen in time. We loved the traditional pubs, as each one had a historical singificance in the town, so you could read what happened there in the 1600's and how it got its name, etc. We were quite impressed with the food was great! Not to mention the Guinness and the Scottish beers and whiskeys..

Aaron perusing the Scotch Whiskey selection
Edinburgh Castle

Nice view of the castle at night from near our hostel

Historic Pub "Greyfriars"
I think I'll just order half-pints from now on
One of the great sites in Edinburgh is their historical cemetery, which supposedly has 400,000 bodies in it due to the crisis of the plague, where they hurriedly had to dispose of the dead (eww!). It is right out of a spooky fact, they hold tours at night because it is notorious for being extremely haunted, especially certain graves. They say when it rains really hard, sometimes the bones come up from the ground...yikes! Aaron and I liked to walk in there at night...but we'd only last about 10 seconds cause it was too scary!

In Edinburgh, you can also find the humble cafe where J.K. Rowling began writing Harry Potter on napkins. She spent a lot of time there and there is an amazing school that looks like a castle....the school that inspired her vision of Hogwarts.
Lovely Rainbow in the Sky
We also visited Holyrood Castle, once home of Mary Queen of Scotts, who was involved in a scandal that later got her executed. The castle is still used by Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family and is home to many famous works of art.
The Highlands
Another highlight was our visit to the Highlands of Scotland. We had a humorous guide who told us much of the history along the way, although we were disappointed that the bus didn't stop very often, so we had to take pictures from the window. However, we got a glimpse of the castle where they filmed Monty Python, as well as the castle where some of the historical events in the life of William Wallace took place (the hero of Braveheart). Our tour guide was anxious to reveal all of the inaccuracies of the movie, as William Wallace would have never worn a kilt or face paint because he was from a different region and paint was not used during that time period. He also pointed out (for those of you who have seen the movie) that it was impossible for him to have had an affair with the princess because she was actually four years old at the time of his rebellion, hehe. Nonetheless, as a Scottish guy, he admitted that Mel Gibson did a decent job of imitating the Scottish accent :)

Aaron at the waterfalls

The name speaks for itself :)
We got to visit a whiskey distillery (I've learned that I don't hate whisky if it's good whisky, hehe) and try Haggis with napes (turnips) and tatties (potatoes), a typical dish in Scotland that comes from the Highlands (made of sheep's innards....yummm). We met a very handsome bull, native to the Highlands and got to visit some beautiful waterfalls. It is truly a beautiful place...very serene yet the home of many historical battles in Scottish history.
What a cutie!

This guy too! :)
Rockin' the Bagpipes!
Little did we know, but Edingurgh is famous for its Hogmany celebration, which is what they call New Year's. Everyone couldn't believe we were leaving to go to London for New Year's because many people come from all over the world just to see Hogmany in's a big partaayyy. However, we did get to see the beginning of the celebrations because it is more like a 4 or 5 day event. On the night before we left, the whole city was filled with people, and everyone carried a torch and proceeded to follow a Viking ship through the city (with bagpipes and bands playing, of course) all the way to the top of a hill where a castle looks over the city. From there, they set the ship on fire and release an amazing Fireworks show. It was a spectacular event and we were so glad to have been there to experience it!

Torches for Hogmany

Lovely London Town

On to London!
Although we loved Edinburgh, we were excited to move on to London to visit our friends, Claire and Tim. We were so happy to be with good friends and to have some time to relax and enjoy the city. We really enjoyed going to the museums because they were all free! Being that we'd emptied our pockets quite significantly in Scotland and ran around like tourists do, it was nice to chill, to cook in a kitchen, and to see sights in the city while spending time with people we love.

Big Ben at night

Aaron and Claire on a stroll in the park

Aaron and Tim marvel at Julia's very moist pie

Two fine ladies strolling the city
It was definitely one of the all-time best New Year's celebrations. Claire is an excellent chef and we feasted on a trout dinner to bring in the New Year and we got to try some of Tim's nanna's homemade berry liquor (go granny!). It wouldn't have been proper if we didn't moisten it up with some fabulous costumes (capes and all) to celebrate the coming of 2008. And the party was very moist indeed....and yes, Tim was wearing a dress...and he looked fabulous.

Moises in the UK

Claire and Matt... looking very sophisticated, indeed


Fireworks on the roof terrace!

Julia and Mugatu

Mugatu gets wild and crazy with the cider
Our trip was so wonderful and we were glad we went. Thank you to Claire and Tim for their utmost awesome hospitality (we stayed with them a whole week).
Returning to Fuengirola, we definitely welcomed the warmer temperatures (what a difference!). And so, Aaron began to prepare for his next journey...on to Brazil!! In order to avoid overstaying his visa here in Spain, he decided to take a brief hiatus to Brazil to help fix up the house his parents have there in the countryside, and to go surfing, enjoy carnival, do yoga....and of course, work. Although I miss him a ton, he's having an awesome experience and enjoying summer in Brazil (it is summer there now). So, Aaron shall get an endless summer this year because when he comes back to Spain in March, it will be beach weather again! Lucky! As soon as I get more pictures from him, I will include them in my next post. He's glad to hear from friends and family and of course anyone is welcome to go join him there :)
So, lately my life has consisted of teaching (school is going really well), walking along the beach, reading, and hanging out with some of my Spanish friends (mostly my coworkers). We plan to take a trip this weekend to a small pueblo in Ronda where we will be renting a house for the weekend. Looking forward to it.

Out with my co-workers, Elena and Cristobol
So, to wrap things up, I will see some of you in California in February as I am coming home for a short visit during my holiday break. For those of you who I won't see: I miss you all and I hope all is well, wherever you may be around the world. Aaron sends his love from Braziiiiilllllll
Miss Ginger
I would like to dedicate this post to our little Ginger, who received her angel wings and flew away to doggy heaven...most likely with her tail wagging. She was surrounded by those who loved her in her last moments on this earth. She is now nourishing a beautiful tree by her favorite pond, accompanied by 5 almonds, one from each of us who loved her so much. We miss you, Miss G, but we are grateful that your life was filled with lots of joy, and we are thankful to have had you in our lives. Thank you for all the wonderful things you taught us about life. Te echamos de menos, preciosa.